The Miniatures Page - A Web-Magazine for Miniature Wargames

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Welcome to The Miniatures Page, the home of miniature wargaming on the internet. A "wargaming miniature" is a scale replica of a soldier or vehicle intended for use in a game.

Here we cover everything from Ancient Egypt to the War on Terror, from haunted dungeons to dueling starships, from German panzers to Prussian lancers… and no historical era is too obscure!

Just click on anything that looks interesting – and if you get lost, clicking on our logo will always bring you back to this homepage.

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This Hour
2 3 8 3
6 3 9 3


Movie Talk

30 July

12 October

Showcase Talk

25 November

14 November

29 October

Workbench Talk

25 January

7 December

Profiles Talk

15 November

14 October

24 September

Message Boards

4 February

A final blunder
0101skl on Renaissance Battle Reports
Space: 1999 on Kanopy
Editor in Chief Bill on SF Media
Blob Monster Attacks
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
Terrain for Wars of Ozz, Magic Mushrooms, Ancient Crystals (3)
MarkAMorin on Blogs of War
Custom MDF game dashboards (3)
randolph2243 on 3DPrinting
Roll Call: Prussian Army 1806 on Parade.
Tango01 on Napoleonic Discussion
Salernum – 215 BC
Tango01 on Ancients Battle Reports
The Dancing Soldier
Tango01 on Napoleonic Discussion
Judge Dredd #1: Sugar Rush (2)
Tango01 on SF Discussion
Borscht and Goulash. CBW Playtest
Tango01 on Blogs of War
Pearl the Mermaid (3)
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
Trouble Down in Ol Mexico (3)
RogerC on Mexican-American Wars
Musketry in the ECW
ochoin on English Civil War
Lippe Military - Useful Downloadable Material
Prince of Essling on Napoleonic Discussion
Just Binge Bought A Company of CIDG
troopwo on Vietnam War
Russian Cav buglers (4)
The Tyn Man on Napoleonic Painting Guides
ZZZAAAAPPP!— The US Navy version (9)
Parzival on SF Discussion
US Navy testing its new laser weapon (10)
35thOVI on Ultramodern Warfare (2014-present)
Is peel and stick wallpaper eco-friendly? (5)
algirdasbsm on Terrain and Scenics
Nash Con 2025
masm6110 on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Empire of the Summer Moon (17)
John the OFM on American Indian Wars
Jet Flight Stands - Sorted
Buckeye AKA Darryl on Modern Aviation Discussion (1946-2011)
France v Spain Italian Wars Dominion of Pike and Shot (3)
Red Dragon 44 on Renaissance Battle Reports
Testing the variant – a cavalry encounter. (3)
timurilank on SYW

3 February

the trenches of the Col du Linge museum
L Empereur on Early 20th Century Discussion
The Gorge spoilers (14)
The H Man on SF Media
Sortie to Kota-Bharu, December 1941
The Wargames Room on WWII Battle Reports
Robots Big and Small (4)
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
Dwarven warriors from down under. (2)
The H Man on Wargaming in Australia
Battte of Brasov (6)
nugrim on Warhammer
Still Sumer Time!
Tango01 on Blogs of War
Malplaquet 1709 (3)
Tango01 on 18th Century Battle Reports
The naked and the bronze (3)
Tango01 on Ancients Battle Reports
Pink Foam Trenches Or Ditches (3)
Tango01 on Early 20th Century Discussion
Faith versus Machine (3)
Tango01 on Pulp Gaming
Best rules for big minis on a small table (13)
fgilbert2 on Renaissance Discussion
Looking for Charge! For Dummies (7)
fgilbert2 on Old School Wargaming
Games for present day invasion of Canada? (16)
ScottWashburn on Modern What-If
My new "Motorwy" Bridge (3)
UshCha on Terrain and Scenics
Some more Irish Catholic Confederacy command (3)
KeepYourPowderDry on Renaissance Gallery
Fort Moore (Benning) armor museum open house dates
Wolfhag on Conventions and Wargame Shows
D&D 2024/2025 - no orcs? (21)
Col Durnford on Fantasy RPG
Black Band / Bande Nere of Giovanni (3)
Baron von Wreckedoften II on Wargaming in Italy
How big was the "Black Band" of the Italian Wars? (7)
Baron von Wreckedoften II on Renaissance Discussion
A few more Dutch (5)
MG Lawson on Naval Gaming 1898-1929
Plastic Soldier Company - Panzer 38 (t) (6)
KoppiBlogger on Fantasy Gallery
Trade Wars (35)
David Manley on TMP Poll Suggestions
Silver Bayonet Austrians Completed! (9)
Flashman14 on Painting
gladiator gate made (6)
westernmini on Terrain and Scenics
Celtic Cavalry (7)
0101skl on Ancients Gallery

2 February

the pedagogical trench of the WW1 Meaux museum (11)
L Empereur on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Robots and Robots (6)
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
Regimental Fire & Fury - Project Finale! (5)
Tango01 on ACW Discussion
The British Enfield .476 Revolvers
Tango01 on Victorian Colonial Board
Big Battletech (4)
Tango01 on Warhammer 40K Battle Reports
Mountain Warriors (book review) (3)
Tango01 on WWII Media
Making the Korean Game TerrainThe Buildings, Bamboo (2)
Tango01 on Korean War
Clash of Steel: The Battle for Minsk (3)
Tango01 on WWII Battle Reports
Age of Hannibal, Bolt Action & BattleMasters (8)
Fitzovich on Wargaming in the USA
Blog update: End of January 2025 update...
Murphy on Terrain and Scenics
Flexing with Con shirts (11)
Louis XIV on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Roman line relief in Optio (7)
Bolingar on Game Design
January 2025 hobby update
dr beard on Blogs of War
Seven Years War project - the French (10)
timurilank on SYW
HMGS War College at Cold Wars (2)
47Ronin on Wargaming in the USA
Reiksguard Knights (2)
nugrim on Warhammer
Finnish Winter War Platoon org. (2)
Korvessa on WWII Discussion
Simon Clarke paints some of the new PP sci fi 15mm (4)
martin goddard on SF Product Reviews
Heroclix Suitable for Victorian Science Fiction? (6)
TheBeast on Collectible Miniatures Games
Somali Strikes yesterday (11)
35thOVI on Ultramodern Warfare (2014-present)
Basing for Command Decision and Combined Arms? (5)
Apache 6 on Command Decision
Obstacles for Chain of Command (6)
BillyNM on 20mm WWII

30 January

French Tanks in NWE 1944-45 (16)
Whirlwind on WWII Painting Guides
RAF Airfix (5)
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
PBI 2025 Rules Update (3)
BuckeyeBob on WWII Rules
All Quiet on The Martian Front game AAR (5)
Fitzovich on Wargaming in the USA
Spring Offensive 2025 - 25-26 April - Burlington NC (3)
TheSpringOffensive on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Ancient Ancients (4)
Tango01 on Ancients Battle Reports
Waterloo in the Hut (6)
Tango01 on Napoleonic Battle Reports
Transhuman girl (7)
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
Drunkhari Archon with slaves (5)
Tango01 on Nude and Semi-Nude Figures - NSFW
Nassau Grenadiers at Hougomont (9)
Tango01 on Napoleonic Discussion
Post-apocalyptic Survival Guide: Ways to Master
Tango01 on Post-Apocalypse Discussion
Stars & Lasers, new supplement, new faction (3)
Lonely Gamer on Spaceship Gaming
Historicon Rooms Marriot Sold Out (11)
Major B on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Announcement: Closing Tinywargames (16)
Tinywargames on Wargaming in the United Kingdom
Peli-Con 2025 Houston/Galveston TX Feb 7 - Feb 9 (2)
deanoware on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Borodino OOB (11)
reggie88 on Napoleonic Discussion
Cactus scatter, Oases, Trees for Wars of Ozz (4)
MarkAMorin on Terrain and Scenics
Russo-Japanese Naval Campaign - Part 2 (4)
BillyNM on Early 20th Century Battle Reports
Which version of Beneath the Lily Banners? (6)
fgilbert2 on 18th Century Discussion
Spontaneous Movement (9)
fgilbert2 on Solo Wargamers
ECW 15mm figure compatability (6)
Ivan The Not So Terrible on Getting Started with Renaissance Gaming
More 28mm Victrix Viking warriors (5)
dr beard on Wargaming in the United Kingdom
Cheap and quick winter tree bases (5)
dr beard on Terrain and Scenics

29 January

First battle report with the Haywire modern solo rule (3)
L Empereur on Solo Wargamers
Are you an “Expert”, or just opinionated? (30)
John the OFM on Wargaming in General
French Foreign Legion films - accurate? (6)
Korvessa on Historical Media
SST Rock Starr soldier's one (7)
Korvessa on Solo Wargamers
Workbench Photo (4)
Bunkermeister on Blogs of War
Two ECW questions (10)
ochoin on English Civil War
The army of marauders: where Russian soldiers’ habit (85)
Tango01 on Ultramodern Warfare (2014-present)
First Game of Xenos Rampant - Bronze Legion Fends (3)
Tango01 on Warhammer 40K Battle Reports
How To Make An SKS 922r Compliant (3)
Tango01 on Firearms
The Green Horde: They have a giant Troll ! (4)
Tango01 on Fantasy Gallery
15mm ACW project SHILOH Order of Battle painting completed (3)
Tango01 on ACW Gallery
The Soviet Role in World War II: Realities and Myths (11)
Tango01 on WWII Discussion
VS? (12)
etotheipi on SF Scenarios
Somewhere in Spain 1807 (4)
winser54 on Napoleonic Gallery
Fistful of TOWS 3 question (3)
Marc33594 on WWII Rules
Cartagena Military Museum (4)
madaxeman on Wargaming in Spain
1479, Hungarian - Ottoman Turkish war diorama (5)
Krisztian on Renaissance Gallery
The Troubles of Command (3)
robert piepenbrink on American Revolution
1744 Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo - Regiment Mallorca Alferez (5)
paperbattles on 18th Century Gallery
Wargames Foundry Sudan Range (8)
Old Contemptible on Victorian Colonial Board
Revising the rules- shooting and close combat (3)
timurilank on SYW
Typical game night (18)
martin goddard on Historical Wargaming in General
US Army Vietnam gun trucks (11)
L Empereur on Modern Gallery

28 January

Italy’s Paolo Thaon di Revel–class Patrol Ships (4)
Editor in Chief Bill on Ultramodern Warfare (2014-present)
Lucky Bug (3)
Editor in Chief Bill on WWII Aviation Discussion
Long Live the Aircraft Carrier (6)
Editor in Chief Bill on Ultramodern Warfare (2014-present)
Snow = Snow? No! (6)
Editor in Chief Bill on Terrain and Scenics
Games workshop's BS website (18)
The H Man on Consumer Affairs
El Cid Game Piccies (2)
Atheling on Blogs of War
Battle of Caspe - AAR part 4 (4)
Makhno1918 on Interwar (WWI to WWII)
1:35 TIGR Safari - Escape From Tarkov (3)
MiniaturesWithBeef on Modern Gallery
The Super Difficult George Washington Quiz (12)
Tango01 on American Revolution
Discovery of six-year-old Neanderthal child with ... (6)
Tango01 on Prehistoric
The Training Exercise (5)
Tango01 on Pulp Gaming
Quiz: Which Droid Are You Taking on Your Next Adventure? (5)
Tango01 on Star Wars
Napoleon’s Undefeated Marshal: Louis Davout and the (11)
Tango01 on Napoleonic Media
Open Battle at the Siege of Rome 537 AD - ... (3)
Tango01 on Ancients Battle Reports
Could the Webley revolver be fired with either hand? (13)
Baron von Wreckedoften II on Firearms
Could the Webley revolver be fired with either hand?
Baron von Wreckedoften II on Early 20th Century Discussion
Rackham confrontation figures
Legend of Doom on Fantasy Gallery
Scarecrow Girl Statue as terrain for Wars of Ozz (3)
MarkAMorin on Terrain and Scenics
Soviet infantry based for Eisenhower rule (6)
L Empereur on WWII Land Gallery
vietnam - tunnel entrances making of (10)
L Empereur on Modern Gallery
Battle report of Rorke’s Drift battle (5)
L Empereur on 19th Century Battle Reports
OHW-Flavoured Narrative Campaign - Invasion of New Dalrydia (3)
Whirlwind on Solo Wargamers
Normandy Terrain Quick Fix(?) (8)
BillyNM on WWII Land Gallery
Numbers of figures per unit in ADLG (6)
Trockledockle on Dark Ages
Annoying Mantic basing (3)
The H Man on 28mm Fantasy
Mixed Churchill and Sherman squadrons (7)
Essexmark on Getting Started with WWII

27 January

Counterattack at Saipan at Cancon (8)
TacticalPainter01 on WWII Rules
What Do You Enjoy Most About Conventions? Everything! (3)
Editor in Chief Bill on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Victrix 12mm US Infantry Ammo Carriers Question (12)
MiniaturesWithBeef on WWII Painting Guides
The Impact of the Mexican American War on... (3)
Tango01 on Mexican-American Wars
From Empire to Revolution: Sir James Wright and...
Tango01 on American Revolution
This ancient community in Switzerland might have ... (2)
Tango01 on Ancients Discussion
General Washington’s Surgeons — Inside the Continental
Tango01 on American Revolution
French-speaking Europe and no world wars: ... (19)
Tango01 on Napoleonic Discussion
Foreign Jack Tars (11)
Tango01 on Napoleonic Media
What have we learned? (35)
robert piepenbrink on TMP Poll Suggestions
versus cartel on Texas border (112)
doc mcb on Ultramodern Gaming (2014-present)
British Greatcoats Winter 1813/1814? (6)
enfant perdus on Napoleonic Discussion
Cold Barrage in just over two weeks - February 15th (3)
Duncan Adams on Conventions and Wargame Shows
Flintcon 2025 Sat Feb. 1st (2)
Dervel on Wargaming in the USA
The Dead of Dunharrow... (8)
L Empereur on Fantasy Gallery
ECW regiment frontage and depth (2)
Ivan The Not So Terrible on English Civil War
Blog Update: "January Update: Building the fort"..... (3)
Murphy on Wargaming in the USA
Soviet tanks based for Eisenhower rule (4)
L Empereur on WWII Land Gallery
African civilians, market place, food And other stuffs… (6)
L Empereur on Ultramodern Gaming (2014-present)
Gun stabilizer effectiveness (20)
Wolfhag on WWII Rules

Comments or corrections?
Copyright Notice

The Miniatures Page,
comprising all web pages at,
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout